I did something I never believed possible. I fell asleep with my eyes open. While I was sitting in corporate actions I dozed off. I remember nothing of what was being said and the other intern I was with said it looked like I'd just spaced out, eyes open the whole time. Either I stroked off, or I was asleep. It was kind of weird. I don't think I can recreate the same results. It might have been a one time deal.
(The animation festival.)
I've been learning a ton. For all that don't know most all financial transactions are done on a system called SWIFT. Basically, it's a type of messaging service made specifically for the financial industry. It's been suggested to me that I learn all I can about SWIFT. I think one of the major benefits of this internship will come from my ability to understand SWIFT.
Recently, I went to an animation festival. It was pretty cool. The other intern, myself, and Bea made an animation about a dragon and a dog that got a pot of gold from a turtle (yeah the idea was originally mine). I had to leave early, so I have yet to see the final results. Apparently, the final movie is connected in some way to my birthday.
The reason I had to leave early from the animation festival is because a person from my local church congregation invited me over to their house. It was pretty uneventful. However, the walk home was exciting. I was given a huge yellow coat to walk home in. I think it was more to help me not stand out than to keep me warm. Either way, I made it home fine after a 40 min walk at 10:30 PM. It was fun. I probably won't do it again for those of you that are worried I will. There were way to many screaming homeless people for my tastes.