All that aside I am enjoying it. The faculty are smart,(some even show up on TV, if you're on TV you've got to be smart, right?) and one of them reminds me of the teacher in Better Off Dead; in that same class I'm one of the two Americans in the class. I've been told I'm not the typical American most students think of. It must be my taste in clothing.
On the docket for this weekend. Discussing singleness with Mormons!!! I don't know of any other religion that sorts people into separate groups because they're single. I'm no dummy, I've done the singles thing for eight years, for the friends of other faiths that end up reading this, that's a long time (for a lot of reasons). I'm suppose to facilitate some sort of discussion on how to stay active in the church despite being single, funny right? My answer would honestly be go to a normal ward, but I think I'd be missing the point. I may report on this excitement later, I've got a feeling it's going to be great fun.
I've also started playing racquetball again. Turns out the YMCA is good for something other than getting a group of guys together that share similar life styles and inspiring them to make a song. They have racquetball courts, also a boxing ring, but I'm primarily there for the racquetball courts. I'm glad I've found someone that will tag along with me. Also, the racquetball courts at Brandeis should be fixed by spring semester, now that we've recouped the Maddoff lose.
I've also come up with some more life goals, long-term/medium-term. This is what I do in Applied Corporate Finance, that and draw snakes eating bugs.