The light at the end of tunnel is very near. I however, may be facing the wrong way. I don't really feel that I'll be graduating. Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to it. I'm just having a hard time conceptualizing it. I started undergrad in 2004 and graduated December 2009, then worked until August. Then I started at Brandeis. All in that's a lot of school. I think I'm smarter. I've done a lot, and made a lot of sacrifices to get to this point. There are many things I thought would happen, but haven't yet *cough *cough marriage. I'll be honest, I worry sometimes if it just won't happen, not because the opportunities aren't there; but because I'll choose other things instead of getting married, I've done it before.
I've been looking for jobs. No offer yet, but I am interviewing. I figure this is a good sign, since I'm viewed as a strong enough candidate to at least merit some consideration. I always freak out about this time of year, I really like to know what will happen next. Around this time, when I don't have a job and no firm plans for the future, I tend to look for anything. Unfortunately, I usually end up looking at super dangerous yet adventuress things: war correspondent, CIA officer, Army, Border Patrol Agent, gator wrestler, detective, or underwater welding. I suppose being single has it's advantages, besides worrying my family, I see few drawbacks to the things I've listed; I have no one that depends on me. I'm sure being married with a family of my own would make facing a giant gator much less appealing. Right now though, it sounds pretty fun.
As far as my dating/love life goes, it's okay. I actually gave online dating a try. I'm mixing it up with the normal dating I do in Boston. I'm sure some of you know what I've gone through in Boston, the dating pool out here is a tad spotty. As for the whole online thing, the results are split. One girl was super amazed that cell phones worked in Maine. I told her quite a few times that I was in Boston. She also seem confused about the purpose of trees. Another girls I've actually met and it's going well. The situation is really complicated, but I'm finding very few things in my life are ever simple. I figure I'll see where it goes, mostly because she really is amazing. If it continues to go well, I'll post more. If not, I'll still probably post more.
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
9 years ago