Okay, I know I've been slacking. Life has been super busy. If you don't know already I did graduate from Brandeis and I have a job lined up. It's kind of crazy. I'll be working down at Standard and Poor's in/on Wall Street. I'm very excited about it.
As well as on the job front, I'm dating an amazing girl. Really, she's something. I've been traveling to NY over the past few months, so as you can imagine I'm really stoked to be in the same city.
The place I'll be staying is really nice and much better than the place I looked at in Harlem. I guess I don't really want to repeat the living conditions of my mission if I don't have to. I find the good old measure of bars on windows to still be applicable.
I don't really know what else to write at this point, but I'll try to improve the frequency at which I blog. Trust me, the stories to come will get better.
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
9 years ago