Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The knee bone's connected to the...

The owl pellet date was a success. Turns out I learned a few things. A leg bone isn’t just called a leg bone, and science kind of got carried away naming things. In my opinion, ridiculous! If I want to call a bone “the arm dealy”, that should be okay.

The date was as hot and steamy as sorting through tiny bones you find in owl vomit can be, at first I thought owl pellets were excrement. That would have made the date even hotter, am I right? My date was nice enough to feed me before we started the bone removal. After 3 hours the removal of all bones was complete.

I also learned a few things about myself, which maybe I had an inkling of before. I’ve never really like jig-saw puzzles. Basically, the very idea of doing a puzzle is counterproductive. You have a picture of something and you decide to cut it up and have people put it together again. No sane person would do this. I think there might be better ways to spend a few hours than trying to guess whether a little piece of yellow card board is the sun, car door, or a dandelion.

Turns out nature has created one of the best jig-saw puzzles, the owl pellet. Seeing as how puzzles and I don’t get along, I have reevaluated my position on the novelty of owl pellets. I guess I went into the endeavor with the idea that it would be more like a treasure hunt. You know, find the skull and what not. Turns out sorting through little bitty ribs and vertebrate for hours is the most intense jig-saw puzzle I’ve ever encountered. I maintained composer and I’ll have to admit all the fur encasing the bones was very soft. Also, they didn't smell weird.

My date really seemed to enjoy it; my guess is she also really enjoys puzzles. I was impressed with her science abilities, plus she was attractive. All in all, a good evening.


Unknown said...

Did you take pictures? Sounds like one intense jig saw puzzle.
I'm still waiting for facebook pics to be posted. I saw some of your ward camp-out. It looked like fun!

Tyler said...

Yeah, I figure anytime I can wear a midrif sweater it can't get much better.

Jane Laird said...

Is there a name for people that have the job of sorting through Owl, mice animal pellets? If so how do you explain that to your kids so they can explain it at show and tell?
genadma jane

Katie said...

I think you're missing one of the important experiences of putting together jigsaw puzzle.

Normally you do it with a couple other people.

It's an activity to keep your hands busy while you chat and spend time with someone you care about.

I'd probably NEVER do a puzzle by myself...that's strange. :)

Jane said...

We are in Yuma AZ and waiting for a new blog from my favorite grandson.
grandma jane

MSmith said...

Amazing times had by a rookie Bostonian!