Saturday, August 9, 2008

Brazilian Birthday

I'm now officially a menace, 26 years old. This has been the first birthday I've had in awhile where I couldn't avoid it. Usually, I lay low and let it pass me by. The only people that usually know about it are my family. 

Brazilians celebrate birthdays to the max. Honestly, the attention was kind of weird, but I think I weathered it okay. After work we all went out to Applebee's. It was really good.

The internship continues to go well. The senior management for our division headed out for Uruguay and Chile for a week. Itau is using it's current market position to expand and shore up it's international position. This is part of the regional custody program I'm involved with. These past few weeks I've had the opportunity to research a little bit more on these countries. It's really quite fascinating. Who knows someday I might end up in one of those places. I wouldn't mind it. 


Anonymous said...

The way I look at it, you could end up anywhere. Nathan is in London and may go to Tokyo, Hilary and Dennon in Germany and Peru. Katie in Boulder( which technically could be a foreign land) and no one around for their birthday, or mine, or thanksgiving. Wow whodathunkit?

Fillmores said...

Hey Tyler, I doubt you'd remember me, but my name is Josh Fillmore and I work in the hospital with your dad. We've spoken on a couple occasions. Anyway, my wife is from Sao Paulo (in fact we'll be going out for Christmas), and I just wanted to offer you any help you might need. If you need anything and I can help let me know. Have a fantastic time. Your dad is a great guy.