Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Yes! It appears I officially got my VISA. It's kind of hard to believe I'm going to be in Brazil by Sunday. I'm really excited. I still need to figure out how I'm going to get some Spanish credit for doing this internship. The other intern I'm going with and I both need to teach a business writing class, in English. I'm a little nervous how it's going to work out. I'm excited for the opportunity and can't wait to get to work.

(I look a little out of it. I was up late and driving most of the day.)

My next blog post should be from Brazil!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's getting kind of toasty!

The season of death has arrived! Being a red-head I feel it my duty to share with everyone that we fear the sun. It is our enemy, or at least it should be. Fortunately, I'm not a super white red-head. My reasons for heliophobia are common to most red-heads. Primarily it hurts like a mother when you get a really good burn and the sun also takes years off your life.

My next reason is mostly concerned with the aesthetics of being white. If you think about all the places a person sees white as the color of choice they can see that it is worn to stand out. You'll rarely see someone or something in all white, it's not normal. If you've every seen a red-head in the "buff" you know what I'm talking about. Plus our skin has a resemblance to turkey cold cuts.

Some of us try to tan. Usually, this just makes us freckle, or as I like to call it, the slow death. Sure, we could be more tan but we would literally be killing ourselves. There are someways to give the illusion of a tan, the tan in a bottle. I haven't ever used it personally and never intend to. I've decided that most of my body will never see the light of day.

As the summer starts please be kind to us paler folks!

(I'm fairly sure this is what would happen if I was out in the sun too long! per stupidvideos)

Monday, June 16, 2008


Today looks awesome! I've already been through two files and it's only 10:30. It was great. I'm trying to figure out where I'm going for lunch. My usual stop is Smith's. I get a burrito there. However, I've recently found an Albertson's that is close to a Barnes and Noble. I could venture into the unknown of Albertson's and risk the chance of not finding anything good, or go with the sure bet of the trusted heat lamp burrito. The down side to Smith's is I have nothing to entertain me until lunch is over. I should be able to solve this problem within the next two hours, the time left until lunch.

This weekend I had the opportunity to try out a rope swing. Apparently I flail my legs quite a bit. I find this the best way to steer.

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Dentist

Going to the dentist means pain. Yesterday, in preparation for my Brazil internship, I went to the dentist. I had to have two crowns done, because they couldn't wait a year. There weren't any cavities but the dentist figured there was some potential that the fillings would crack or fall out. I am 25 currently and the free ride on my parents insurance is coming to a close. This means "now" was the best time to get any work done, to avoid a trip to Mexico.

The visit wasn't as bad as it could have been. The primary reasons is wasn't that bad were: 1) only one shot 2) I didn't have to have a root canal(still haven't had one yet) 3) my dentist isn't a nut. Granted there was more blood than I usually like to see at a dentist visit. However, it was admirable how the staff tried to hide this from me. The visit was also a relief from working. There is nothing quite like seeing all that stuff fly out of one's mouth. It's also impressive to see how many instruments they can cram in a person's mouth. I wonder if the dental staff ever feel a sense of accomplishment by breaking old records.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Going Digital!

I now own a digital camera. Yesterday, after work, I went and bought one. I'm way excited. The VISA process continues to drag on. I've worked for a government entity and I'm familiar with how uncaring and brutal some of the processes can be...but this is ridiculous. Some of the problem could be I'm not dealing with 1 government but with 2 governments. It appears that they really want to make sure people entering Brazil are up to snuff. Hopefully, this is the last time I'm going to need to turn in paper work.

I want to go see the new Zohan movie with Adam Sandler. It seems like the movie could be really good. There's just something about a cold blooded Musad killer that changes his life and wants to cut hair instead of cutting up people. This kind of situation reminds me of my mission.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Yeah for entering post #2! I just finished going through my weight in paperwork at work. I hate duplicates! Seriously, you only need to print something once. Anyways, I'm getting excited to leave for Brazil. It should be a great experience. I still need to buy a digital camera before I leave. Perhaps my photography skill will improve. Usually, I end up taking pictures of weird things like gum on the street or homeless people talking to lamp posts.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Will I do it?

In reality this endeavor, writing a blog, has a huge possibility of fizzling out. I'm at work right now, I guess it's really more of an internship. I'm not extremely busy. I'm like the guy in Office Space that walks in every day and ends up actually doing about 1 hour of real work. Luckily nobody has asked me if I have a case of the "Mondays"...yet. Believe me, you don't want to finish all your work at once. It makes you feel more productive if you spread it out through the entire day.

I am also getting ready to head to Brazil to participate in an internship with Banco Itau. It's one of those moments in life where the path gets a little bit more interesting. I'm hoping it will be like the Wizard of Oz path and I get to see a bunch of flying monkeys.