In reality this endeavor, writing a blog, has a huge possibility of fizzling out. I'm at work right now, I guess it's really more of an internship. I'm not extremely busy. I'm like the guy in Office Space that walks in every day and ends up actually doing about 1 hour of real work. Luckily nobody has asked me if I have a case of the "Mondays"...yet. Believe me, you don't want to finish all your work at once. It makes you feel more productive if you spread it out through the entire day.
I am also getting ready to head to Brazil to participate in an internship with Banco Itau. It's one of those moments in life where the path gets a little bit more interesting. I'm hoping it will be like the Wizard of Oz path and I get to see a bunch of flying monkeys.
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
9 years ago
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