Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's getting kind of toasty!

The season of death has arrived! Being a red-head I feel it my duty to share with everyone that we fear the sun. It is our enemy, or at least it should be. Fortunately, I'm not a super white red-head. My reasons for heliophobia are common to most red-heads. Primarily it hurts like a mother when you get a really good burn and the sun also takes years off your life.

My next reason is mostly concerned with the aesthetics of being white. If you think about all the places a person sees white as the color of choice they can see that it is worn to stand out. You'll rarely see someone or something in all white, it's not normal. If you've every seen a red-head in the "buff" you know what I'm talking about. Plus our skin has a resemblance to turkey cold cuts.

Some of us try to tan. Usually, this just makes us freckle, or as I like to call it, the slow death. Sure, we could be more tan but we would literally be killing ourselves. There are someways to give the illusion of a tan, the tan in a bottle. I haven't ever used it personally and never intend to. I've decided that most of my body will never see the light of day.

As the summer starts please be kind to us paler folks!

(I'm fairly sure this is what would happen if I was out in the sun too long! per stupidvideos)


Katie said...


You are funny.

The end.

Anonymous said...

I always worry that if I sit in the sun too long, someone will lean over to me, sniff loudly, and mention that I smell a little like bacon frying.

The sun is bad, bad, bad.

auntie D